Financial planning and insurance products are offered by PWL Advisors Inc., and is regulated in Ontario by Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) and in Quebec by the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF).

PWL Advisors Inc. is not a member of CIPF.

Financial planning is more than just numbers; it’s about charting a course towards your aspirations.

Every client defines successful financial planning differently. We want to understand your definition. Our financial planning services are designed to align your financial resources with your life goals, helping you build a framework for financial success that evolves with you.

We’ll help you retire on your schedule, provide for your loved ones, maintain your quality of life in retirement and leave the right legacy. Our plan is heavy on easy-to-implement strategies and light on complex jargon.

We integrate your investment strategy with all other aspects of your financial life, and prepare a holistic, customized plan that covers all parts of your finances: today’s needs as well as retirement cash-flow, tax optimization, life and disability insurance requirements and your estate.

How We Help

Personalized Financial Planning

There’s a lot that goes into a financial plan, but the plan itself isn’t the primary benefit of our joint effort.

It’s the comfort of knowing that a team is looking for your financial best interests. It’s the peace of mind that comes from knowing your financial life is under your control.

  • Review tax-efficient strategies that would be beneficial for you

    Review tax-efficient strategies that would be beneficial for you

  • Create a personalized path to your desired retirement

    Create a personalized path to your desired retirement

  • Be your guide when making life impacting decisions

    Be your guide when making life impacting decisions

  • Work with us to determine your long and short term financial goals

    Work with us to determine your long and short term financial goals

Securing Your Future

Financial planning gives you the roadmap to secure not only your future but also that of your loved ones. Whether it’s saving for retirement, investing in education, or preparing for unexpected challenges, having a plan in place is crucial.

Optimize Your Wealth

Effective financial planning involves strategies that minimize your tax liabilities, increase your savings, and maximize your investment returns. A financial plan ensures that every dollar you earn works hard for you, contributing towards the future you want.

What Working With Us Looks Like

  • Phase 1: Understanding Your Financial Picture
    We begin by gathering comprehensive details about your current financial situation and your future objectives. This includes income, investments, debts, and more. We will sit with you and take time to ask questions to help us get a holistic view of your needs.
  • Phase 2: Developing Your Strategy
    Next, we create a personalized plan for you that addresses your short-term and long-term financial goals. We focus on strategies that optimize your financial potential while being prepared for any changes that might come along the way.
  • Phase 3: Implementing Your Plan
    With your approval, we implement the plan using a variety of tools and resources at our disposal. We believe plans should be holistic. This is why we coordinate with our professional partners, like accountants or lawyers, to keep on top of the important things.

Let's Get Started

Are You Ready to Shape Your Financial Future? Let’s get started today.

Schedule your personal consultation with a certified financial planner and discover how we can help you achieve your financial goals.