Your Trusted Advisors

Our certified advisors are ready to help you plan your future and your practice based on the goals that matter to you.

    Our Services

    We're With You Every Step of the Way

    We offer a personalized approach to wealth management, anchored by following the academic evidence in everything we do.

    This philosophy allows us to serve as the leaders in our clients’ financial strategies. We help successful Canadians bring their complexities together.

    • Harmonizing Financial and Non-Financial Objectives

      Harmonizing Financial and Non-Financial Objectives

    • Retirement Planning and Projections

      Retirement Planning and Projections

    • Evidence Based Portfolio Management

      Evidence Based Portfolio Management

    • Compensation Optimization for Incorporated Professionals

      Compensation Optimization for Incorporated Professionals

    • Corporate Structuring Opportunities

      Corporate Structuring Opportunities

    • Tax Optimized Strategies (IPP, RRSP, TFSA, RESP, and more)

      Tax Optimized Strategies (IPP, RRSP, TFSA, RESP, and more)

    • Insurance Needs Analysis and Risk Management

      Insurance Needs Analysis and Risk Management

    • Estate Planning & Supporting the Next Generation

      Estate Planning & Supporting the Next Generation

    • Philanthropy & Charitable Giving

      Philanthropy & Charitable Giving

    How Wealth Management Works for Doctors and Dentists

    We help manage your high income, optimize tax savings, and help you plan for retirement. With our guidance on investments and debt management, you can focus your time on your practice while we ensure your financial future is secure.
    • Personalized Financial Assessment
      We begin by assessing your current financial status, career trajectory, and personal goals. This comprehensive evaluation is crucial for understanding the specific financial dynamics of medical and dental professionals.
    • Custom Strategy Development
      Using the insights from the assessment, we design a personalized wealth management plan. This includes addressing debt management from medical school, structuring investments for growth, and planning for practice expansion or succession.
    • Strategy Implementation
      With a plan in place, we move forward by implementing tailored financial strategies. Whether it's diversifying investments, optimizing tax strategies, or setting up retirement plans, we ensure your financial assets are working as hard as you do.
    • Ongoing Management and Review
      Wealth management is an active and ongoing process. We continuously monitor and adjust your financial plan to adapt to changes in your career, the healthcare industry, and the broader economic landscape.

    Who We Are

    Since 1996, we’ve held the belief that our clients’ interests should always come first. We created an innovative boutique that offers a personable and sophisticated approach that’s completely centered on your goals. Our commitment to evidence-based ideas and excellent client service is foundational to everything we do. We use the latest academic research and modern technology to create better outcomes for families we partner with.

    • $3.6B Assets Under Management

      $3.6B Assets Under Management

      (Dec 2023)
    • 26 years in business

      26 years in business

      Over the past two decades PWL has built a reputation for integrity and excellence by putting our clients’ unique financial and family goals first.
    • 1,250 Families

      1,250 Families

      We serve some of Canada’s most prominent families, with wealth that spans generations, including technology entrepreneurs whose vision is impacting the future.
    • 70 Employees

      70 Employees

      Our advisors are there to coach you and help you stay on track to achieve your financial goals.
    • Service Across Canada

      Service Across Canada

      Wherever you are, we’ll be in touch.

    Check out our story

    Finding & Funding Good Lives Brochure

    PWL Capital is committed to understanding our clients’ evolving needs and providing customized solutions and to support what they need to thrive in their financial journey.

    Frequently Asked Questions