PWL Women & Wealth Conversation Circle

Join our Women & Wealth Virtual Money Conversation Circle on Thursday, July 20.

The circle will give you the opportunity to reflect on your money memories, beliefs and values through a series of journaling and sharing exercises.

The experience is designed to allow for greater insights into your financial goals and behaviours, both through self-reflection and learning from others.

Date and Time:
Thursday, July 20 from
7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

To allow for as much discussion as possible, places are limited.

Thank you for your interest in our Women and Wealth Conversation Circle! At this time, all available seats have been reserved.

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This event will be hosted on zoom. You will receive a confirmation email with a link after registering for the event.

What is a Conversation Circle?

A Conversation Circle allows small groups of individuals to come together to share stories and experiences. In this circle, we will gather up to 10 women, plus our two hosts Tessa & Melissa, to discuss our experiences with money in a comfortable environment. We will reflect on our money memories, values, beliefs, and hopes for the future.

Why Should I Participate?

Money is an integral part of each and every one of our lives, but talking about it can sometimes be awkward or intimidating. This circle allows you to discuss the topic in a comfortable and open environment where no technical knowledge is required. Everyone will have the opportunity to slow down and reflect, as well as share with the group. You can expect to walk away with a better understanding of yourself, your experiences, and your values, and how they shape the financial decisions you make.

Hosts for the Event

Melissa Laursen

Melissa Laursen
Senior Financial Planning Associate

PWL Headshot: Tessa Felix

Tessa McGirr
Lead, People & Culture